Useful numbers

Home:03 90 67 43 62

Anaesthesia consultations:03 67 34 35 35

Radiology:03 69 06 07 08


Emergency services:03 90 67 40 10

Hand emergencies:03 90 67 40 30

Prevention of nosocomial infections

The RHENA clinic takes into account hospital hygiene and the prevention of nosocomial infections in its quality-of-care approach.

This activity is coordinated by the Nosocomial Infection Prevention Committee (NIPC)

Made up of a multidisciplinary team, its role is to draw up an annual programme of actions aimed at risk prevention, infection surveillance, informing, training and coordinating professionals in the areas of hygiene and health and the fight against nosocomial infections.



You can help us maintain good levels of hygiene by following the following rules: 

  • Avoid contact with any member of your family with a transmissible infection, as commonplace as it may be (colds, flu). In particular, please do not bring children under the age of 10 to the clinic who may be carrying childhood diseases. 
  • Respect the pre-operative shower protocols offered by caregivers. 
  • Always ask the staff to handle venous catheters, drains or probes and do not touch your scars. 
  • Take additional precautions to protect your family, other inpatients and caregivers against bacteria of which you may be a temporary carrier. Isolation imposes restrictions which will be explained to you by the nursing staff. 

Go to the results for the old clinics at the origin of the RHENA clinic on the Scope Santé website on indicators for the prevention of nosocomial infections:

Sainte Odile