Useful numbers

Home:03 90 67 43 62

Anaesthesia consultations:03 67 34 35 35

Radiology:03 69 06 07 08


Emergency services:03 90 67 40 10

Hand emergencies:03 90 67 40 30

Values and goals

Rhéna-Clinique de Strasbourg, was born out of the consolidation of three private non-profit confessional clinics recognised to be of public interest: Adassa (Jewish clinic), Diaconat (Protestant clinic) and Sainte-Odile (Catholic clinic).

The values and missions at the origin of the creation of the three institutions have survived to this day and have remained the same for more than 150 years:

  • Comprehensive care of the patient (of the person), not just the illness.
  • Humanitarianism at the heart of all activities: the patient at the heart of all care, and quality of life at work
  • Innovation and performance at the service of patients, and medical excellence
  • Serving the general interest selflessly

Rhéna-Clinique de Strasbourg has 4 main objectives

  • To combine skills and technical platforms to strengthen and complement the care offering.
  • To offer patients comprehensive and multidisciplinary healthcare plans.
  • To continually improve the quality and safety of the care provided.
  • To provide excellent working conditions for physicians and health professionals.